STIHL Group, a German manufacturer, making agricultural, forestry, construction, landscaping and cleaning equipment is launching in Kenya.

STIHL EA, has made a huge investment in the Kenyan market and has set up shop in Kenya, through its subsidiary STIHL East Africa and will officially launch its operations at the Red Commercial Complex Block B, Mombasa Road.

We would like to cordially invite you to attend and cover the official launch.


WHAT :    STIHL East  Africa  Official  Launch 

WHEN :    Wednesday, Aug 24, 2022

TIME :      8AM to 10AM

WHERE : Red Commercial Complex Block B , Mombasa Road 

WHO :      Industrialisation CAS – Hon David Osiany   

                  STIHL Holding AG & C, KG Head of Marketing  – Norbert Pick

                  STIHL East Africa CEO – Francois Marais



*Transport from the CBD to and from the event will be provided at 7:00am. To book for transport, Kindly contact Aidah Kuria on 0721 203 423

*To RSVP, book Interviews please contact Kang’ethe Njoroge on 0753894440 or 07278272978.